Q1. What is the basic objective of RTI Act? (a) To empower citizens (b) To promote transparency & accountability (c) To contain corruption (d) All of the above Q2. Which of the following is not a information under RTI Act? (a)e-mails (b) press releases (c) log books (d) none of the above Q3. The coal mines of NEC are spread over the state of …… (a) Assam (b) Meghalaya (c) Assam & Meghalaya (d) none of the above Q4. CIL produces ……….. (a)Raw & washed coal (b) soft & hard coke (c) coal gas (d) all of the above Q5. Director ( Technical ) of CIL controls …………… (a)Coal videsh (b) New initiative (c) NEC (d) All of the above Q6. CIL is a ……………. Company (a)Schedule A (b) Schedule B (c) Schedule C (d) Schedule D Q7. What is the share of wages in cost in cost of production of CIL? (a)30% (b) 40% (c) 35% (d) 50% Q8. Pension under CMPS 1998 includes ………………… (a)Superannuation pension (b) Disablement pension (c) Widower pension (d) All of the above Q9. What is the ra...